CNC Laser Engraving

The GCC Spirit GLS Hybrid-80Ti is an upgrade for more engraving,
cutting or marking applications on different kind of materials.


  • High-end technology allows to have CO2 & Fiber dual lasers in one system to expand our possibilities from organic materials processing to direct metal engraving
  • Extra large working area (960×610mm) for projects that require a large working space
  • A clean high-quality cutting is achieved using the honeycomb table as an ideal tool for laser cutting, especially for small pieces
  • The dust and vapor created during laser cutting are eliminated effectively through the honeycomb cell by down vacuum funnel exhaust
  • Quality assurance through easy and user friendly preparation of engraving by directly output from familiar designing software like Illustrator, CorelDraw, AutoCad through Windows driver featuring powerful functions

Technical Data

Manufacturer Type Laser technology Type of material Laser source Working area Max part size Distance accuracy
Great Computer Corporation Spirit GLS Hybrid-80Ti Dual Fiber + CO2 Organic and metal 20/30/50W 965×610mm 990×635×177mm 0,254mm or 0,1%